Entertainment and Fashion

Patrick Simakweli establishes school

Patrick Simakweli establishes school

Having had stints teaching music in various places including University of Malawi, veteran musician Patrick Simakweli has established his own music school in Chilomoni, Blantyre.

Simakweli, who has been in the music industry for close to 50 years and has starred with lots of musicians including Mtebeti Wambali Mkandawire, said yesterday that the music school was part of his continued contribution to the development of music in the country.

“I have wanted to do this for some time but did not have the resources. This is why I went out to teach in other places but now is the time to do it alone. I am looking at setting up the necessary channels so that the school is trusted out there. Otherwise, everything is in place,” he said.

Simakweli said he would have been doing this for free but that, in order to make ends meet, he decided to put up an affordable fee.

“Having performed with lots of musicians, gained the much-needed experience, it is now time to impart this knowledge in the young generation.

“The current generation is obsessed with vocals only; there is a need for them to learn to play instruments if they are to compete on the international market,” he said.

Simakweli was, however, quick to say that he was looking for support to grow the music school, saying he wanted to put up proper structures for the school as well as buy more equipment.