New mini-series titled Fixed premiered on Friday on the streaming giant YouTube.
Produced by Brian Phiri and Gift Mavutula, the mini-series follows the life of siblings who venture to a distant location in search of their father, a famous journalist.
As they navigate village life, they make every effort to unravel the mystery of his disappearance.
The five-episode series explores themes of leadership, family unity and cultural differences.
Phiri, who is also the writer and director, said Fixed was inspired by a real-world event.
“Life is what inspired the plot. There is a scenario that happened to a family similar to that, and I borrowed a leaf, although everything else is different,” he said.
Shot at Che Somba at the foot of Soche Hill in Blantyre, Fixed stars actors such as Victor M w a z a n g a t i — k n o w n as Ganizani from the Usauver series produced by renowned musician Piksy— Carol Simbani, Mavutula and Revival Mwanandi.
Phiri has since indicated that the remaining episodes would be made available for streaming soon.
“We are hoping to release them in two weeks. This is because there are some people who have pledged to be the first ones to watch at a fee,” he said.
The coming of Fixed has added to productions such as Mushroom Shade, which can be accessed online.