The World Vision Malawi (WVM) is leading partners in implementing Community TB Program interventions in all the districts of the country including Dowa targeting the general population.
The organization said with its partners, it will support the community volunteers who will be key in screening all people suspected to have Tuberculosis (TB) and collect sputum for diagnosis at the health facilities.
WVM’s Global Funds Grant HIV/AIDS Specialist Buthelezi Mvula, said the program will strengthen the community sputum collection points and provide enablers for volunteers to motivate them and ease their voluntary work being done in the communities.
Mvula said the overall goal of the Community TB program interventions are aimed at reducing TB incidence rates (to 97/100,000 people) as well as reducing TB mortality rates (to 5/100,000 people) by 2027.
He said the program will also target people living with TB patients and their families through case finding approaches-Community Sputum Collection Points and house to house to make sure that all targeted people are reached out.
The Specialist said the program will conduct an annual coordination meeting with Prison leadership and community leaders to address comprehensive Prison TB care by emphasizing post-release care to minimize interruptions and focusing on efforts to reduce stigma and violence.
He said the program will support stakeholders to train selected TB and DRTB supervisors on post-TB care and adherence support, TB awareness and health promotion, stigma and discrimination as well as training volunteers to enhance their capacity in the implementation of active case finding (House to House) to increase TB case detection.
“The program has standardized package of enablers such as plastic table, plastic chairs, bicycles, sputum collection box, buckets with taps of 25L, gum boots, T-shirts, Black packs and provision of soap,” said Mvula.
He said the program will be implemented through its collaborative partners such as the Ministry of Health through National TB and Leprosy Elimination Program (NTLEP), District Councils, District Health Officers, District CSO Networks and Community Health Workers.
World Vision Malawi alongside with its partners will implement Community TB Program interventions under the approved $21 million Grant