A shocking scandal has rocked the United Transformation Movement (UTM) after publicity secretary Felix Njawala has been caught red-handed misrepresenting critical resolutions passed by the party’s National Executive Committee (NEC) meeting held on Monday at the Area 12, Lilongwe, residence of the vice president, Dr Michael Usi, who is also the party’s president.
Njawala: Caught misrepresenting facts
Our investigation have revealed that, in a press statement released on Tuesday, Njawala manipulated the date of the convention, deliberately omitted revealing the venue of the event and, as if that is not enough, twisted the whole issue of eligibility with a pack of half-truths.
Convention date drama
In quite a shrewd and cunning move, Njawala, in the press statement, announced for the second time the party’s convention date as November 17th, 2024 after he had announced already a month ago.
However, innocent and blameless as it looks, party’s insiders have confided in us, on condition of strict anonymity, that Njawala deliberately re-announced the date because his first announcement was null and void as it was not ratified by the party decision making body, the NEC.
“He has this thing of going to the public and making statements about things that NEC hasn’t ratified, which is a serious disciplinary issue. If everything was okay, he would not announce again something that he already announced. That re-announcement is just an admission of guilt,” he said.
Omitting convention venue
Sources revealed that NEC deliberated on the issue of the venue of the convention and the consensus settled on Mzuzu not only because UTM is stronger in the Northern Region; but also because all other political parties have shunned holding their convention in the region.
However, inside sources told us that Njawala deliberately omitted mentioning Mzuzu as the agreed-upon venue, reportedly to push for his preferred location, Blantyre.
Our sources further confided in us that, in his defense for the preferred choice of Blantyre, Njawala even spewed regionalist sentiments saying: “Anthu akumpoto ambiri sanawoneko Blantyre, uwu ndi mwayi wawo akawone Blantyre.”
Insiders claim Njawala’s disregard for NEC’s decision on the venue is a blatant attempt to manipulate the convention’s outcome.
Usi and NEC members captured at his official residence in Area 12, Lilongwe
Eligibility Twist
Further in the statement, Njawala refuted the issue of eligibility through misrepresenting and omitting the actual resolution that NEC made with regards to issues of eligibility, our investigations have shown.
Our highly placed source in NEC, confided in us that—to protect the top most party offices of the President, Secretary General and the Treasure—NEC resolved that eligibility to these high offices should be left to people that have been members of the party for not less than two years.
“The party had intelligence that PP will be sending 20 people to context on the position of UTM presidency. The party also gathered that over 30 UDF members will be defecting to UTM in the next two weeks and 15 of them will compete for the seat of the president. The party felt we need to protect the integrity of UTM that is why that resolution was arrived at and agreed. One wonders why Njawala deliberately chose not to clearly explain to the public,” he said.
Usi captured with leaders of all women in all regions: North, South, Central and East
Does Njawala have a hidden agenda?
Our investigations—which have been corroborated by about five members of NEC and two from Central Executive Committee—allege that Njawala’s actions are designed to clear the path for his favored presidential candidate, Dr. Dalitso Kabambe.
They add that it’s Njawala who brought Kabambe in UTM fold and, at that time, Njawala had the blessing of stalwarts such as Newton Kambala and secretary general Patricia Kaliati.
However, sources told, with days Njawala has kept Kabambe, who is apparently the key financier for the party, away from everyone and that has brought a rift between Njawala and Kabambe on one side and Kaliati and Mbawala on the other.
“The thing is: Njawala wants Kabambe to lead the party because that his only financial stability strategy. Njawala has several toxic debts which he accumulated in the name of late Saulos Chilima. The only way to service such loans is through Kabambe. That is why he doesn’t agree with any resolution that disadvantages Kabambe,” said source.
Added the source: “He wants Blantyre because it’s close to Lhomwe Belt which there is information that they want to come in numbers to disorganize our convention. He doesn’t mention the eligibility criteria because it disadvantages Kabambe. He is not sleeping.”
Are they backbiting each other?
Insiders Speak Out
A high-ranking NEC source confided, “Njawala’s actions are a betrayal of trust. We will not stand idly by while he undermines the party’s democratic processes.”
UTM future hanging in Balance?
As tensions escalate, UTM’s very existence is threatened. Will the party survive this internal strife, or will Njawala’s deception tear it apart?
Our efforts to speak to Njawala proved futile as, despite several attempts, his phones went unanswered. We also made efforts to speak with Kaliati but she kept hanging our phones.
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