A devastating motorcycle accident along the Bakili Muluzi Highway in Mangochi district has claimed the life of a dedicated police officer, Sub Inspector Cliff Kokha, 45, from Namwera Police Post.
The incident occurred on Wednesday September 4 2024 when Kokha’s Yamaha DT motorcycle, registration number BR 4783, collided with another motorcycle operated by 51-year-old Meja Majidu from Mkambiri village, Traditional Authority Bwananyambi in Mangochi.
According to Mangochi Police Station spokesperson, Amina Tepani Daudi, the accident happened near Sumaili village when Majidu, riding an unregistered Lifo motorcycle, suddenly swerved onto the dirt verge of the road to avoid a rumble surface.
Without signaling, Majidu re-entered the main road, colliding with Kokha, who was traveling in the same direction behind him.
The impact left Kokha with severe head injuries and a fractured nose, while Majidu sustained head injuries and multiple fractures on his right arm. Both men were rushed to Namwera Health Centre and later transferred to Mangochi District Hospital, where Kokha was pronounced dead upon arrival. Majidu remains hospitalized, receiving treatment for his injuries.
Sub Inspector Kokha, from Chonde village, Traditional Authority Chimaliro in Thyolo, was a respected member of the traffic police team, known for his dedication to ensuring road safety in the region.
His untimely death has sent shockwaves through the community, and an investigation into the accident is underway.
The incident serves as a stark reminder of the importance of road safety and the need for all road users to exercise caution and follow traffic regulations to prevent such tragedies.